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How it works

Standing Equine MRI is a low-field procedure performed on the standing, sedated horse. This unique modality visualises slices through tissue – quickly and with precision. Diagnostic in 90% of lameness cases* it can detect both bone and soft tissue abnormalities where other modalities may fail.

Widely considered the gold standard** for imaging the foot of the standing horse, your practice is more efficient and your workload more streamlined with just two cases per week.


Clinical uses

Distal limb

Diagnosis of bony and soft tissue disease when more conventional imaging techniques are negative, unclear or access is difficult

Navicular disease

MRI is the only imaging modality to provide an accurate diagnosis of this multifactorial disease, allowing for targeted treatment

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MRI identifies subtle lesions such as bone inflammation and early onset degenerative joint disease earlier than ultrasound and radiography

Aids surgical planning

When additional assessment to radiography is necessary (penetrating injury, fracture), standing MRI aids surgical planning without GA

Racehorses in training

With an increased risk of fracture, detecting early indicators enables modification of training, preventing catastrophic injury

Rehabilitation guidance

Tailored treatment plans and monitoring progress optimises rehabilitation. Time taken for the patient’s safe return to work is minimised

Why MRI?

Features & benefits

MRI without anaesthesia

No risk to the horse and a simplified workflow for your practice staff

Value add for your practice

Flexible install options & unique business models help deliver an ROI in 2 cases a week

Seamless integration

Images can be read with industry standard PACS & DICOM software

iNav Motion Correction

Reduces image artefacts caused by patient sway. Faster scan times mean reduced costs

From the ground up

Deliver the gold standard in diagnostic imaging from the hoof to the carpus or tarsus

Q-Care Cover

Outstanding remote support and a wealth of expertise to support you and your MRI

Installation options

Room or modular

We appreciate that space is at a premium. That in mind, our Modular Room offers cost-effective MRI ready-to-go. Dropped into place externally to your main building, quick and easy setup means you can start scanning from day one. Alternatively, we can install a traditional room set-up

* (Byrne, Marshall, and Voute, 2020)

** (Gutierrez-Nibeyro et al. 2012, Sherlock et al. 2007, Mair et al. 2005, Olive et al. 2009)

I must thank the whole Hallmarq team for your help and development of such a useful and effective tool”

Matteo Toniato DVM Clinica Equina San Biagio

Standing MRI allows us to accurately diagnose the cause of lameness in the vast majority of cases where standard diagnostic techniques fail to give us the answer. It permits the selection of appropriate treatment methods, whereas without it we would often have been guessing”

Tim Mair BVSc PhD DEIM DESTS DipECEIM MRCVS Bell Equine Veterinary Hospital

In many lameness cases, it is not possible to find a definitive diagnosis. With our Hallmarq system we are finally able to solve the puzzle! This is a big step ahead for us, our clients and most importantly, the horses.”

Dr Martin Stoeckli Pferdeklinik Dalchenhof, Switzerland

We are proud to have been involved with the development of Hallmarq’s standing MRI scanner since its inception. This technology has transformed our ability to diagnose many musculoskeletal disorders, particularly diseases affecting the foot.”

Tim Mair BVSc PhD DEIM DESTS DipECEIM MRCVS, Bell Equine Veterinary Hospital

The team at Hallmarq continue to find innovative approaches to improve motion correction and reduce slice thickness. When I use their images at International conferences, I am repeatedly asked if they were taken with a high field magnet.”

Sarah Taylor BVM&S MSc PhD Cert ES(Orth) DipECVS DipECVSMR MRCVS The University of Edinburgh. The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

Hallmarq has been a great partner in providing our MRI services. The training provided was well organised and sponsorship of our MRI CE program provided to referring veterinarians was a great success. Thank you Hallmarq for your continued support.”

Dr. Bill Hay DVM DACVS Tryon Equine Hospital Columbus, NC

Hallmarq’s MRI has revolutionised the way foot lameness has been diagnosed in thousands of cases over the last 15 years. Excellent image quality facilitates accurate diagnoses, appropriate treatment selection and formulation of a prognosis.”

Sarah Taylor BVM&S MSc PhD Cert ES(Orth) DipECVS DipECVSMR MRCVS The University of Edinburgh. The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

The team at Hallmarq provide superb customer support, are friendly, approachable and always happy to help. This enables the user to make the most of the system and optimise image quality.”

Dr Rhiannon Morgan BSc BVSc CertAVP MVetMed(Hons) PhD DipECVDI MRCVS Royal Veterinary College

We have used Hallmarq’s Standing Equine MRI for nearly 20 years. Hallmarq has consistently provided us with quality, leading-edge equipment, fantastic hands-on training for our staff, and excellent remote customer service.”

Dr Maureen Kelleher DVM DACVS Virginia Tech Marion DuPont Scott Equine Medical Center

Advanced diagnostic imaging techniques have become increasingly within reach for countless horses over the past 15 years and Hallmarq has played a large part in this rapid and exciting evolution within the equine industry.”

M.A. Smith MA VetMB Cert ES DipECVS AECVDI MRCVS Image Equine


Diagnostic in over 90% of cases, Standing Equine MRI can accurately identify the specific cause of lameness and the degree of pathology which leads to a full understanding of the injury. This means than an optimal treatment plan can be initiated immediately with confidence.


Bring all the benefits of Standing Equine MRI to your practice without the complications of general anaesthesia. The horse remains standing throughout and, in most cases, can be seen as a day patient.


Low upfront costs include the option to include a modular solution or a purpose built room. A unique pay-as-you-go model means that, with approximately 2 cases per week, your Standing Equine MRI soon pays for itself.


Frequently asked questions

Why refer?

MRI is unparalleled in providing images of both soft and bony tissues.  Distinguishing water from fat, it highlights areas of pathology such as inflammation and bruising, in a way that radiography, CT, ultrasound or nuclear scintigraphy just can’t do. By imaging the region of interest in slices orientated in any 3D plane, a lesion can be visualised without superimposition of adjacent structures.  Multiple views allow you to appreciate the full extent of the injury.

Find a system

Our systems are available at some of the world’s leading veterinary facilities around the world. To find a Hallmarq MRI or CT machine near you, click below.

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In planning for the installation of your Hallmarq Standing Equine MRI system, the high-level technical specifications below should be taken into consideration. Please consult the Site Planning Guide for additional details.

Hardware & Software
Magnet field strength0.27 Tesla (+/- 0.02 Tesla)
Pole gap220mm (+/- 10mm)
Imaging volume140mm DSV
Homogeneity<110 PPM (peak to peak) measured over a 150 mm DSV
Position3-dimensional magnet positioning system
Rotation90-degree magnet rotation
Movement deviceVertical and in/out motorised movement with manual control.
Manual left/right movement via side wheel.
Three orthogonal imaging gradients, plus one Z2 channel
Maximum imaging gradient strength: 25 mT/m
Maximum imaging slew rate: 75 mT/m/ms
RF Coils
4 x coils of different sizes for imaging the foot and lower limb
SpectrometerDigital RF unit running at 11 MHz (+/- 1 MHz)
RF and gradient amplifiers
ComputerMulti-core Intel processor with dual solid-state drives
Windows 10 LTSC operating system
Pulse sequence library with advanced motion correction
24″ wide screen monitor, mouse and keyboard
MRI software suite
Pulse sequence library with advanced motion correction
Remote access and management via LogMeIn
Equine Modular Room & Power
Standard Room & Power


Supporting your success

Providing high-quality images is just the beginning. With an unrivalled programme designed to add value to your practice, we’re here to help optimise your imaging service – from initial enquiry through to installation and beyond.

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